Well, I had the privilege of attending the 1st part of this magnificent training program created from the famous book “7 habits of highly effective people” by Steven Covey today.
So guys, here’s presenting a few excerpts from my learning today. This part has been extracted from the signature course content.
The 7 habits if implemented effectively will give you better meaning in life to emerge into a better person and lead a more satisfying life.
The 7 habits is divided into 2 parts (private and public victory) to progress into a highly effective person moving from “dependence” to “interdependence”.
Private victory consists of the 1st 3 habits i.e. Be proactive, Begin with the end in mind and Put first things first leading to self-mastery and self-discipline.
Public victory is attained when we build deep, lasting,highly effective relationships with other people. The last 3 habits i.e. Think Win-Win, Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood and Synergize complete this evolution.
Always remember that the results that we get in life depend on what do .What we do in life depends upon how we see the world around us (Paradigm).
· 1st Habit ->Be proactive :
o When we can no longer change a situation,we are challenged to change ourselves – Viktor Frankl
o Carry your own weather – You can choose to be consistent irrespective of a situation beyond your control J
o Remember between what happens to us and our response is a space. In this space, we have a freedom to choose our reactions.i.e.I am free to choose and am responsible for my choices.
o The problems, challenges, and opportunities we face fall into two areas--Circle of Concern and Circle of Influence.
o Expand your Circle of Influence.i.e. Things over which you have complete control like your personality, behaviour, health, expertise, brilliance, etc which is what Pro-active people do. Reactive people focus their attention on things over which they have little or no control like someone else’s behaviour, society, weather, etc.
o To know more about this habit, please visit => https://www.stephencovey.com/7habits/7habits-habit1.php
· 2nd Habit ->Begin With the End in Mind
o All things are created twice – 1st (Mental creation),2nd (Physical creation)
o Always start an endeavour with a clear sense of purpose and envision outcomes before you act..
o Create a personal mission statement for your life and live by it ..This will help you shape your life the way you want instead of having it designed for you.
o Think of the key roles that you play in your life like that of a child, sibling, spouse, employee, citizen, etc, prioritise each role , the responsibilities that you need to play in each of these roles and plan your life accordingly..
§ There is no greater joy nor greater reward than to make a fundamental difference in someone’s life – Sister Mary Rose McGeady.
o To know more about this habit, please visit => https://www.stephencovey.com/7habits/7habits-habit2.php
· 3rd habit ->Put first Things First
§ Things which matter most must never be at mercy of things which matter least – Johann Goethe.
o Focus on Top Priorities of life and invest time into planning and implementing them.
o Remember, it really doesn’t matter how fast you are going if you are heading in the wrong direction.
o To know more about this habit, please visit => https://www.stephencovey.com/7habits/7habits-habit3.php
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